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About the APCLN

Serving those who serve

Christianity in Asia traces her apostolic roots to St Thomas and St Bartholomew's missions to the Indian sub-continent immediately after the Ascension of Christ. Nestorian Christianity arrived in the Far East during the 7th century Tang Dynasty. The first regular mission in Oceania was established in the Marianas in 1668 by Jesuit Father Diego de Sanvitores, following in the earlier footsteps of fellow Jesuit - the great Missionary Saint to Asia, St Francis Xavier. 


While Asia had St Francis Xavier, Oceania's protomartyr, St Peter Chanel, laid the ground work for the fruitful mission fields of the South Pacific.





Since then, Catholics of the Asia-Pacific region have made significant contributions to their countries, both in spiritual and corporal works of mercy. In line with this calling, ordinary Catholics have also stepped forward to take up public service to serve their fellow citizens.


To be both faithful and be a politician at the same time may seem either impossible or unfathomable but many have served their countries loyally while keeping true to their faith and teachings of the Church as faithful politicians.


The APCLN was formed primarily to serve those who serve, and like the ICLN, offers a platform and community for faithful Catholic politicians to strengthen their faith, undergo formation and be bound together in solidarity and fellowship in this diverse region of the world - where the Church is both growing and yet under increasing pressures from societal changes.


We are strictly non-partisan and fully independent and we do not engage in lobbying or activism.


Lawmakers, government representatives, clergy and experts are invited ad personam to our events and participation is by personal invitation only and presupposes a visible Catholic or otherwise Christian profile that is reflected in the individual voting record and public statements, especially where it regards the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death, the true nature of sacramental marriage as the union between one man and one woman, and the commitment to defend the fundamental freedom of religion and conscience as the prime human right of every man and every woman on every continent.


We encourage legislators to promote justice, peace and the Common Good.

What we do

The APCLN is a regional Chapter of the ICLN. The main event of the ICLN is its annual 4-day international conference, when held in Rome concludes with a private audience with the Holy Father at the Vatican. The objective of this meeting is a process of information, private discussion, faith formation and fellowship. The annual event is organized to encourage, support and connect Catholic and other Christian lawmakers worldwide. Throughout the years, local ICLN Chapters like the APCLN have also been formed that organize regional meetings with the same objective of education and networking. All ICLN and local chapter meetings are held in a strictly private setting and are thus not publicized, in order that those politicians and other leaders participating may freely debate and exchange their thoughts on the topics discussed. The Chatham House Rule applies to all meetings and no press is in attendance.


Our Logo

The APCLN logo has 4 basic elements

  • the colour blue, from sea to sea, island to island, coast to coast, from the vast lands to the tiny islands, the seas bring us together, as does the gentle blue all-encompassing mantle of Our Blessed Lady;


  • the Alpha & Omega, the Tau & Rho, forming the A&P of Asia-Pacific, also our faith in Him who is the beginning and the end, He who stretched His arms on the wood of the Cross and redeemed us from our sinfulness, remaining our everlasting help;


  • the Barque of Peter, though we are from different countries, different races and different tongues, we are bound together by the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Like the missionary ships of St Francis Xavier and St Peter Chanel, we are called to mission and to serve, steadying the sails against the assailing winds;


  • the Circle of Starssymbolising our patronage under Mary, Mother of God, called to emulate her blessed example of purity and faithfulness, to remain untainted and uncorrupted by the world despite being mired in it

Alpha Omega Christ

Beginning and the End


Α + Ω + â³¨

Alpha Omega Tau Rho

Christ, the beginning & the end, our everlasting help

A+P Asia-Pacific

Barque of Peter

Mission Sails


Barque of Peter

Loyal and faithful,

called to mission

and to serve,


Circle of Stars

Unblemished and Pure


Revelations 12:1

Our Lady, Immaculate & Pure, our Queen and our model, united always in Christ

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©2019 by Asia-Pacific Catholic Legislators Network.

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